Saturday, 4 June 2011

2nd June

Brinley was at school all day but the rest of us went to the beach.

I felt guilty after the monster pigout yesterday but I was still wore my bikini. It was such a lovely day.

Afterwords I showered and went to meet Jess and everyone else at a restraunt for her tea. I had 1 pizza slice, 2 chicken skewers and a pudding and I was SO FULL.

My tea+ Jess' chip-in  cost about £19.

I missed Brinley so much that I took a bus to lossie (I got ogled a lot and a creepy old man started talking to me but I ignored him).

Brinley was very happy and we did some urgent snogging. We got home and had some VERY good sex till I think  mum woke up and we stopped so we just went to sleep.

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