Sunday, 13 March 2011

Day 75/367

Its completely mental outside. I slept for ages untill 11 o clock which was dandy. Me and Mum walked Sunny outside in the gale and then went to Tesco and bought loads of food (and two hoodies for me! Woot woot!)

I had a very productive day of tidying my room AND cleaning my rat out. I feel really happy apart from my minging running nose because of the cold I cought from going to the showies yesterday.

I watched Crufts and the Ex kept going on about he wanted a husky and a collie. This really pisses me off because he has this stupid idea in his mind about dogs that they're going to be perfect 'loyal companions' as soon as you get them. I told him it's not all to do with what the dog looks like. He replied-

'Is that how you convinced yourself to get sunny? XD'

Fuck him. That REALLY pissed me off. It's like adopting a disabled kid and telling someone how it's not just appearance and what's on the outside and then them saying 'is that how you convinced yourself...'

Maybe I'm overreacting. Maybe it's just because this is the time I'd usually have my period if I wasn't on the pill.

 I didn't text him back. I didn't even say hi on MSN and gave him one-word answers.

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