Tuesday, 8 March 2011

Day 70/367

Wow day 70!

I ate like a FAT SHITHOLE today. I drank a litre of strawberry milkshake (I told Mum I poured it away), 2x dairylea dunkers, a chocolate praline egg, a twirl, noodles and a cereal bar.

I feel fat.

I painted my nails neon with purple lightningbolts and blue dots which is pretty epic. I wish I could do it to my right hand though.

I WANT TO GO OUT WITH THE EX. I keep imagining hugging him and kissing him and everything! Argh!

That girl Lauren who thinks she has big boobs pissed me off again today. She was taking a raj at this other girl Shannon for 'throwing her life away' and 'shagging everyone' (Shannon has a boyfriend and has had for quite a few months) then she went on to say that 'no boy wants to go out with me because I'm so tight, all boys only have one thing on their mind'. Hey Lauren, I don't know what sort of relationships you've had. Oh wait. You havn't had any.

This really pissed me off, it was like saying anyone who'd had a boyfriend or had had sex was throwing their life away and was a complete sadass. Urgh.

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