Tuesday, 31 May 2011

28th May

Today a woman had a fit. It was so scary to watch it was completely INSANE. Mum looked after her and I realised how proud of her I was just then.

I went to Jess' at 5 with my other bummers and we had a GREAT time and had a wee sesh. I got pretty darn tipsy. Nothing much happened apart from never ending happiness, and then I met  up with Brinley and I apparently would shag him there and then if he hadn't of stopped me.

I sobered up by the time we got to the monument beside our house- our camping destination. After putting up the tent there was  some rough shegging undertaken, but then we went into the other tent and played Strip Dares. Much nakedness and lesbian kissing. I was only in underwear (and a thong but that was concealed under the duvet me and a very naked Brinley were sharing), but people seen my boobs and congratulated me on them.

Afterwords we went back to the tent and slept. Brinley got grumpy because he was very cold and tired. I saved his friend William from hypothermia by letting him in our tent.

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