Sunday, 22 May 2011

21st May

Brinley took me on a date to see Pirates of the Caribbean today. I spent about an hour laborously cutting out hearts of chicken and ham and cubing vegetables to put on skewers for his tea.

I wore this high waisted 50's skirt and pearls. Now that is making an effort. Brinley said I looked the gorgeousest he'd ever seen me.  POTC was good I didn't understand it too much it's not as good as the last ones.

So we came home and ate tea and went upstairs and cuddled like, loads and lay on my bed and had slow, romantic sex which was lovely. I love him so much. I never knew I could love anyone as much, it's insane.

I'm on a bit of a downer right now though, I've just eating LOADS. Ughhh, want to puke but I'd freak out. And I don't want to become bulimic.

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