Monday, 18 April 2011

Day 110/367

I spent all day at Brinley's house today. I liked my outfit, I ran out of clothes so I tucked my large PJ top into my high waisters and shoved my hair in a messy bun.

I saw his room for the first time. I don't like it, it's full of....stuff...that's like, old and not used which I find very strange. We went to a river and I went in but he didn't. His mum made us DINNER I was like holy shit. A jacket potato and tuna and like, salad and coleslaw and potato salad on the side it was pretty immense. I gave him another BJ aswell. I also swallowed. It was well saltier than the Ex's. The Ex only eats shit though so that's probably why. That stuff is lethal.

That's good though. I can stop Brinley's sexual advances by asking him to take a wank instead. I'm planning, possibly, just maybe to do the black shag band on our 1 month anniversary, 25th April. (It's a monday though....gotta see if mum's gonna be out or not though.)

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