Saturday, 23 April 2011

Day 115/367

Me and Jacob revised in the sun most of the day and then went inside and mum bought us a Macdonalds. Happy happy happy! We discussed Brinley's lack of commitment on the phone aswell as yesterday at the Youth Cafe.

I realised I was scared of him just using me for sexy stuff. I'll see him tomorrow and talk about it to him though.

The Ex was completely BITCH today. He's writing a blog about me.

And he asked me what another word for 'predictable' is and I said..

'You're such a bitch, you're writing a blog about me and you're asking me what another word for predictable is?'
He replied 'Why do you think I'm writing a blog about you?'

What a retarded question. Like his last million statuses of 'I'm writing a blog and it's about YOU!!!' never made me even consider he was writing a blog about me, who he said himself was the most important person in his life?
I wanted to reply something nasty about him being a dumbass and a fucking little poof etc etc, but I just replied:

'Because I'm a narcissist?'

Guess what he said back?

'Fair enough.'

Then a while later of me not replying, he sent a ':)'.

Fucking FUCKER. Little poof.

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