Saturday, 30 April 2011

Day 122/367

We boned.

After 1 month and 4 days.

He got scared that mum or someone would walk in and got soft. I felt so sorry for him!

Today's brought us closer though. He said he was into corsets and I was like WTF I LOVE CORSETS AND ALL THAT SHIT. Our next sexy time is going to be SUPER. I need to wax. I'm like a forest out of control. I got handcuffed today. It'd be better if I was hair-free and more comfortable though.

I hate my sister so much. I think she heard some of our 'revision' today. Great fun. I dont care though. I've stopped caring what she thinks. She showed Brinley her tattoo on her side today when there was an equally good tattoo on her innocent wrist. She said my hoodie was tight fitting on him too, e.g, he was fat. Which he's not. Even though his 12 stone squashes me if he's lying on top of me but MY stomachs flabbier than his when I pinch the skin together.

Hate her so much UGH.

I might go to a party woop woop tomorrow with Brinley. Planning on boobs OOT and heels. Gotta make that boy PROTECTIVE!

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