Monday, 18 April 2011

Day 111/367

First day back at school. Shannon was talking to the boy-that-I-thought-was-a-mong and he said he wished Brinley wasn't going out with me so that he could. I asked her if she thought he was joking but he apparently said that in all seriousness.


I need to revise my arse off for these exams. I meant to do Biology today but ended up spending about £40 on online stuff including brown contact lenses, Basshunter CD and 3 new industrial bars for my ear. That's where all those taxpayer's money goes. £120 a month for people like me to spend on crap.

Dad's apprently gonna give me big BIG money if I get credits.

Fingers crossed for 2 weeks from now. GULP!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The course of true love never did run smooth.