Friday, 11 February 2011

Day 45/367

I was meant to get up at 9 today. We all went to tesco and bought £15 worth of munchies (DISCLUDING the price two huge packets of chicken and 16 tortillas!) for tomorrows BIG SLEEPOVER. Then we were paying and I tried giving the wifey my clubcard she said in this sort of voice that dripped 'I hate teenagers. I think you're fucking scum that you had to be eighteen to have a clubcard. I had read the brochure about clubcards which said you had to be 16. Anyway, shouldn't Tesco be promoting younger generations to be loyal to them?

Some people just take their jobs too seriously.

And some people are so prejudiced about teenagers.

Well anyways we went to the skating disco. I especially wore full makeup and a tight little cami that emphasized my boobies. Unfortunately all the people there were about 13 and under. There was this mascot moose guy and Jess' boyfriend annoyed him and he gave him the middle finger.
My friend Hayley gave me and Eilidh her camera to look after so we took loads of pictures of my boobs and me squatting on a toilet with it which was super.

I got home and uploaded all my photos which took a million years thanks to facebooks gay new photo-viewer thing, and then me and Mum went to Bollywood dancing.

Ahh, I'm knackered now. I feel great though, skinny and confident. Just dandy! And I have to decoraaaaate tomorrow...can't wait so much! Ahh!

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