Tuesday, 8 February 2011

Day 42/367

We get to choose what topic our english essay's going to be on. I chose anorexia, and did some research. Some of the stuff I found online, the 'tips' to help people become anorexic are actually disturbing. Most of them talk about how 'Don't look in the fridge. Are you going to listen to Ana? She's always watching you...'
Crazy, crazy stuff.

Whenever I sleep during the day I forget what's happened earlier that day. SO annoying! 'specially for writing this blawwg.

I hope the sleepover goes as planned. My whole group of friends have sort of turned against Shannon. Including me now, today I said I thought foundation lips were minging (she agrees with me when it's just me and her) but because her wee pal was there she was like 'Well I think scaffolding in your ear is absolutely disgusting'. She said she thought it was cool before. I hate how people can change if their other little friendies are around them. Ugh.

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