Tuesday, 15 February 2011

Day 49/367

I wore shorts today. In first period I sat down and the Girl-That-I-Hate checked out the size of my thighs so obviously it was unbelievable. She actually turned her head down and looked at them. I was happy with my outfit though. Shorts, rocketdog pumps and highlights of red on my nails and my cami.

My French teacher keeps having sex with his desk. He sort of thrusts himself onto it and presses his winkie against the corner.

I'm starting to be uber-healthy tomorrow and even made 3 posters: Drink Water, Eat 2+ things of fruit 'n' veg and aim to weigh 9 stone or less.

I told my dad I was hungry today and he got all stressed because he didn't know what to do or say to me. Haha aww poor dad!

Robyn subtly persuaded the Ex to consider going back out with me....hmm I hope it works..

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