Sunday, 20 February 2011

Day 54/367

I just ate about 1000calories worth of chocolate mousse. And an extra 400 of apple crumble. This girl Amber said I had a perfect figure when I did the inbox-a-number-and-I'll-say-what-I-like so that's OK.

I hate having my sister home. She's skinny and pretty and compliments me all the time about how I have a better figure etc etc etc when she obviously is way prettier and nicer than me. It just pisses me off. And she's really really really two-faced. One time she's all nice and sugar sweet and the next shes a complete bitch and making you feel like a shit. She turns Mum against me too which is extremely annoying.

I painted my nails the gorgeous pastelish-denim blue colour and straightened my hair so I feel sexy with my glasses tomorrow.

Ugh I've got a whole French essay to memorise for tomorrow...FML.


I talked to The Ex on MSN.

Me: I wish you liked talking to me
The Ex: How come?
Me: Cos I like talking to you :LThe Ex: But you've been fine for the last few weeks?
(that pissed me off.)
Me: I don't *have* to talk to you I just like to :L
The Ex: Well what would you have us talk about?
(frikkin Victorian-age old bugger.)

So we talked about him not getting into the RAF and a bunch of stuff I already knew from relentless Facebook stalking. I told him what I'd been up to: getting an industrial piercing (I didn't elaborate on the piercing part, trying to coax him into asking me about myself.), The Sleepover, losing weight, gaining weight.

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