Saturday, 5 February 2011

Day 39/367

I wore my extensions today! They're a complete bugger to put in though but they make you feel so feminine and pretty. I saw Sam on the escalator in Tesco! I said hey. He said hi and looked at the ground. Thank god I was looking good today instead of him catching me off guard alone with no makeup.. (he's started talking to me again on MSN and then asked if I wanted to see that freaky alien film called Paul on valentines day. Uhh, Sam, just because I said hi doesn't mean I want to eh, go out with you?) I ate like a fat shit today. Gotta cut down Fat Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays to just Fat Friday.

I saw the Kings Speech today, it's really good!

My top lips split completely and nothing seems to be healing it. I bought 70p plasters with 'Butterfly and Friends' on them to put on my minging infected green bugbite on my arm.

La vie est belle!

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