Thursday, 24 February 2011

Day 58/367

The Ex: I  just wanted to apologise for ignoring you for these last few months, I'm sorry

Holy crap. I can't stress how holy that crap is. It's like the same amount of holiness as the father of God who's gamete half made God himself.

I don't know what to do. Should I put him through all the pain I've suffered? One word answers and cold replies? Or should I talk, be sexy and potentially....go out with him again? He admitted that he didn't talk to me because he was afraid of falling in love with me again.

I did my French speaking test and only at the end realised I'd been staring at my French teacher's crotch for most of it. FML.

Beautiful-Eyes from Plenty of Fish added me on MSN...He doesn't know I'm 16. He's 22. I don't know what to say! Do adult people have different conversation styles to normal people? Argh!

I admitted my youth when he asked what age I was. I accidently slipped into writing all Shakespearian 'I hope you don't mind my tender youth'. Then I started typing like an illiterate. 'I never wouldv guesded you was 22 from your photays'.
I started talking about peeing loads.
Whats wrong with me...I havn't had a flirtatious conversation in about 3 years. I'm out of touch. Unskilled. Rusty. Tarnished. I did masterbate for the first time in quite a while though. And rubbed glittery moisturiser on my boobs....that's a start.

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