Monday, 14 February 2011

Day 48/367

I slept in till 2pm cuddling Sunny and dreaming that I had a fossil amonite in my ear that had flesh grown around it so I had to go to the doctors to get antibiotics to get it out.

Eilidh came round to do some art homework but we only did a paragraph. We went to Tesco on the way to Eilidh's curling and I bought a red heart cushion (I'm trying to make my room girlier) and two £1 packs of Thornton's chocolate selections which were all minging.

I started feeling great later, I did my Anorexia essay and painted my nails with two whole coats and even straightened my hair. This weekend's been a great confidence boost.
I texted Jacob 'Guess what I used ;)' as I had used my vibrator for the first time properly this morning. I instantly regretted telling him because he started asking endless questions about it and probably wanking. I'm going to buy his fleshlight soon so that'll make him happy.

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