Sunday, 9 January 2011

Day 11/367

YES mum bought tickets with inheritance money to go to Canada for a whole month this summer! (this has ruined my plan of going on a package holiday somewhere. I'll save it for next year I think and spend my saved money in Canada on clothes and shiz.) We're going to do this thing called the shipwreck trail, where one eats rehydrated food and survives for 7 days walking with a huge pack. Mental! And that means I'll be coming back SKINNY AND TANNED. Even better! (I had this amazing idea of buying 4 batteries for my phone and charging them all up. I might even be able to blog from the midst of the bear-ridden wilderness). When I'm there and were not trekking/canoeing/kayaking I had a thought that I want to get a sketchpad and do some painting and drawing of stuff in the streets. Hmm :)

I had this thought for the summer holidays, or before then if it's sunny to have a mermaid party with a paddling pool! I'd make mermaid tails and make a bra out of coconuts. (Mum said I'd have to use pumpkins, I'm a 30E or F shock horror)

Today I bought some red lacy pants! Niiiceee.

I also painted a banana and an apple spontaneously.

Right now I'm going to do some BBC Bitesize maths shiz, and look over some biology topics.  It just struck me that I haven't actually looked at my exam timetable...

I'm gonna put some more photos of stuff in this blog woot woot! Once I find my phone wire.

For the past few days I've been having these extreme moodswings. A few days ago I kept wanting to cry at everything but now I keep doing crazydancing and singing. It's mad. I just cant stop being happy!

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