Saturday, 15 January 2011

Day 16/367

Holy crap I almost broke Commandment 1 today!!

This morning I felt like I was on drugs. I was so god damn happy. The sun was shining high in the sky, and I felt so summery I wore pumps for the first time in months. I came to the canteen in preperation for the English exam singing Im walking on sunshine and dancing. On the way to school I talked to a complete random I don't know at all about exams. Insane.

The credit paper was a lot harder than the general. I wrote a really mental short story in the writing about this forensic person called Emma who ends up having to ID her fiance in a car crash.

Just then I grilled the Ex about if he fancies anyone. He's so boring boring boring I can't believe I ever went out with someone so insanely rubbish. That's made me grumpy now.

But hey! Tomorrows saturday and me and Eilidh are going to paint a banner and then I'm gonna go up town with Shannon to perv on her friend on a date. Then on SUNDAY I'm going skating which is always mental. Woowoo!

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