Saturday, 22 January 2011

Day 23/367

Today was almost four hours of modern studies exam.(my friend Leah's phone went off twice with a homosexual ringtone. Poor girl) I wrote 13 pages of made up shit about racism and democracies in Africa. And then to make matters I apparently had a Graph Comm exam that was mysteriously not on my timetable so I'm doing it on Monday instead. I'm such a retard I even went with this guy to the graph comm teacher to ask when the other exam was. Ugh.

I got home and slept and had this epic dream about the end of the world and fragments of falling stars on us and I had to go under my friend Leah's umbrella and we were watching people at some showies beside this exploding castle.

Yesterday Sammyboy invited himself out to lunch with us. I said no.

He's not talking to me but not as much as he normally does. Maybe he's getting the message I don't fancy him after all? I did seen him in Tesco today with his fuzzy sideburns and full-face freckles. He didn't see me though.
Right now I'm sleeping over at Jacob's house. Me and Ben are looking at inflatable buttplugs and 'party in my pants'. We found an inflatable dog-sex-doll. ("feels just like the real thing!" was one of the comments)

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