Sunday, 16 January 2011

Day 18/367

Whoao so much happened today...First of all I went skating with a bunch of people and got a blister. I broke C3....................................................but the actual skating was good.

Oh god, today I talked to Sam.

Ughh....we had this huge conversation in which he called me pretty, sexy and beautiful and that we are now going to wave at each other when we next see each other [hahaha LOL at him, I wont see him till another 1week and 2 days because of the exams and they all stop before lunch]. But he asked me are you free next weekend?

On a spontaneous evil whim I didn't reply just 'revising', I replied 'revising with jacob'(my best boy mate) to spark off intense facebook stalking and jealousy.

I should just bite the bullet and say I'm not interested. (at some time in the conversation, he said he wasn't good enough for comparison to the Ex his future does look pretty bleak. I never knew I had standards-I'd consider myself pretty normal looking-but it seems I do. But I applaud the boy for saying that he fancied me in the first place. Not many guys can do that.)

His personality from what I've seen on MSN is pretty normal. And he looks goofy. And has freckles. Lord, I would NOT go out with any boy with freckles. I've got enough on my face without having to look at anyone else's.

There are 2 personalities that I fancy and want deeply in my pants: One belongs to a somewhat chubby ginger in Ohio and the other a slightly mongled guy in the Isle of Lewis.
I love these guys. They make me actually lol. The Isle of Lewis one has disappeared off the face of facebook for some reason and the ginger guy is still present but keeps sending me CityVille requests.

Tomorrow's biology...I'm gonna fail. Maybe not if it's really sunny outside it puts me in a good mood.

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