Wednesday, 5 January 2011

Day 7/367

Woo! Ive kept this blog for 1week out of 52!! (+2days)

I woke up EARLY today at 10:45! Chufters!! I peed and pooed Sunny and had my breakfast! I even showered! I'm on FIYYAHH!!!

I threw 3 bags of rubbish that I tidied out from my room (which is XXXXXL clean and tidy now). We walked Sunny then I fell asleep with her for 2 hours. After that I went to my friend Jacob's house and played 2 levels of Halo 1 and did an english past paper. Not an exciting day but this morning a thought struck me-maybe I should consider putting down my hamster Sputnik? He's over 4 years old (hamsters are meant to live between 1 and a half to 2 years. He's older than Sunny.) and he's getting a bit stinky. His little willy was out too which was weird. I hope it's not like, causing him pain. I clipped his teeth though so that's all good.

Schooooollll tomorrowwww aghhhhhghghghghgh! I cant be bothered with all the people there. I want to see my friends but I see-bee-ay with all the smalltalk/hostilities/etc. Hey! And I have to do my commandments aswell, especially commandments 3+5+6

I'm also facing the Evil Hag Mrs Rossetter my english teacher for my Macbeth essay....I still havn't done it....ahhh >_<

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