Thursday, 20 January 2011

Day 22/367

The guy on the French Listening exam sounded SO GAY. 'Your instructer wants to go cannewwwing'. I failed credit though. It was harder than a chode injected with viagra.

Didn't see Sammyboy in Tesco today. I still feel a bit bad for what we did to him yesterday. For the past two months I've eaten 565 calories of shortbread every day, it's a complete mystery why I haven't gone over 9 and a half stone yet. I never seem to get fat just kind of lumpy like bigger muffin tops and backflab. When I achieve commandment two I'M GOING TO GET RIHANNAS HAIR. The best bit about it is my style of hairs almost exactly the same but I need shorter layers and a better fringe. I'm planning to get it either before or after summer when Commandment 2 has been achieved and I have A LOT of money at the time. (good bleach job+good repairing shampoos=£££) When I bleach it I'm going to keep it blond for a few days...hehehe. I dont really suit blond though

I listened to 2 Rhianna songs Oh nana (Jacob sings it 'Oh nana, Oomba-yay' instead of oh nana whats my name?), Usher, Ne-Yo and now Slipknott Duality. The music video is insane.

I learned more how-to-do-modern-studies questions with Jacob than 4 years of Modern Studies with Mr Easton and Mr Menzies (Mr Menzies, bless him. He loves me. I thew a paper plane off his head by accident one time and he was like
'It was me Mr Menzies I'm really sorry'
'Oh thats OK of it was you glamourous. How are you today?'

At christmas I gave him a card and he got such a boner over it. God bless the guy.

I talked to Sam. Poor boy, he keeps trying to admit he fancied(or ies?) me but he can't pluck up the courage.

Ugh, Modern Studies exam tomorrow at 8:45. FML.

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