Thursday, 6 January 2011

Day 8/367

Ugh school. I forgot what a hostile enviroment it could be.

I stopped myself bitching a few times apart from one time where boy Dylan who everyone doesnt like went swaggering across the place in a pink and green zippy. I said 'wow Dylan's cool isnt he?' But thats the worst I did today.

In french Mr Lestienne banged the table to stop people talking which me and Jacob found ridiculously funny and laughed like retards for 10 minutes. He did it again GAUSH GAUSH GAUSH QUIET PLEASE in his weirdass french-scottish-english accent.

Holy crap I just got asked out!!!

Sam: Hello there :)
Me: Heya :P
Sam: How are you?
Me: Im good I just made a formspring :L:L and im trying to revise but failing you?
Sam: Lol what is it? Il ask you a question, and im watching craig howard play dirt 2 XD
Me: Formsprings where you like ask questions anonymously? Whats craig howard play dirt 2?
Sam: No I mean whats your formspring name,  il ask you a question. And im watching craig howard, a guy at our school, play dirt 2. A racing game
Me:Sorry that sounded completely retarded XDD


Sam: dont take this the wrong way...but you do sound pretty awesome :3.  Dont suppose you want to do something this weekend?
Sam: sorry was that too sudden?
Me: im sorry i have to revise all this weekend =o exams next week
Sam: okee dokee but yeah itd be cool to get to know you :)
Me: haha thanks lolzers
Sam: How am i a loser?
Me: wait what? lolzers=variation of lol?
Sam: Ohhh. Now im the retard
Me: dw bout it hun i think what i said is considerably more spaztic
Sam: Tehe, you called me hun. That gave me a warm fuzzy feeling inside
Me: :L
Sam: So what can i call you
Me: you can call me my name, and dude, I call everyone hun dont get excited
Sam: Im not :)
(Ugh! Eww!)
Me: lol okies listen i gtg pack my bag and shiz. Laters
Sam: Adios, il maybe say hi when i see ya :) bye x

This was a guy, who ages and ages ago,said something about walruses weighing a lot in tesco to me. I thought he was having a go at my muffintops or something but it turns out he fancies me. Dundundun I wonder what'll happen tomorrow...

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