Tuesday, 11 January 2011

Day 13/367

I slept through English and Graph Comm today. That's ok because 1. I hate graph comm and 2. I hate English.
Graph comm is a class of 6 people,including me, 2 of which are two-faced bitches, a semi-tarded boy no one really wants to interact with (I don't mind him though) and two shyguys. And I'm worst in the class. Because it's such a small class everyone knows you're the worst. Happy days.

My English teacher is a demon from the disgusting slime covered depths of hell. She is the nastiest teacher to have ever taught. She's sarcastic, she's mean, and worst of all she makes it personal. In parents evening I was almost crying...(no exaggeration, I rarely cry at the best of times) because she insisted I have the intelligence but I'm too lazy to do the actual work. I try my very very very best at work because I'm shit scared of her! And the worst bit was my mum believed her! Argh!

Nothing really interesting happened today. Shannon was in a moodie with me for throwing a sandwich in her eye yesterday. And I've decided boys are bitchier than girls. Girls just do it for bonding together purposes, whereas boys just do it out of cruelty and to make themselves look cooler. Their bitching's a lot more vicious too, they make fun of your gestures or whatever from right behind you. Argh.

And I've got mal a la tete which isn't good but I'm away to make doghots so that's ok.

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