Tuesday, 4 January 2011

Day 5/367

I woke up with a raging headache.

 Last night was one of the weirdest nights I've ever had, after finishing my book 'One Day' I cried at the sad part, then that suddenly triggered a huge tidal wave of all the sadness that's been building up inside me, and I realised eventually everyone's going to die one day.
All the times I should have cried over the past year all came out in one go, and I cried nonstop for an hour. I even texted the Ex this huge long text about how completely devastated (devastated isn't the right word, but for some reason there isn't a word for really really really uncontrollably sad, the feeling you get when someone you love dies).

It seemed like I'd regret it at the time, and next morning he said are you ok? And now we're good friends again (''Well I guess I will never be rid of you will I?''). I collected the 15 tissues filled with snot and crying and put them in my laundry bin instead of my bin. This made me kind of disgusted, even though they are my own bodily fluids after all. Even so, I sprayed the bin with Mr Muscle.

I looked completely mongled, my eyes were all puffy and red and squishy, but I felt emotionally completely relieved, like having this huge disgusting poo that hasn't been wanting to excrete itself for a year finally all coming out at once. Afterwords I felt refreshed and happy.

I bought 4 things today, which all made me very happy.

1. A lampshade because my room has this rubbish light and makes me depresso
2. Fairy lights in the shapes of hearts that are unimaginably lovely (I bought the lampshade and lights from B&Q, and on the way in I passed a Very Tidy Guy, which was a shame because I looked like a fermenting fish because of my soaked hair from a late shower, puffy squishy red eyes and pale complexion)
3. A lottery ticket for wednesday (I don't even know which day it is today, but hey)
4. Rat nuggets for my rat Cherri.

A phenomenon happened today concerning the aforementioned rat. I was blowing raspberries at her when she suddenly licked my tongue. We both looked at each other, completely shocked. She froze for about 5 seconds and ran back into her cage (which she normally does if she's been bad like if she had been caught doing something she knows is bad, like looting peanuts.) I have no idea why she did it, or what for.

I also made croissants today from Tesco's Ready Rolled Pastry. They were tres bonne avec des confiture. I had a slightly erotic conversation about a particularly huge one not fitting in my mouth with the Ex. And it's dawned on me- you have to have at least one person who is 19+ for package deals on holiday. the Ex is going to be 19 in July.


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