Sunday, 2 January 2011

Day 4/367

Today's been depressing. I have broken Commandment 2 majorly- bag of macoys, dunkers and shortbread (which I baked yesterday and had to take two attempts at, wasting 2 tubs of butter and a lot of flour and a lot of sugar. I even broke the bowl.)

I also reshuffled my room about and realised how much ACTUAL SHIT I have stored up in it.
Right now I'm watching Iron Man. Robert Downy Jr. He's definitely on my DILF list.
It's now completely over and done and finished with the Ex.
After saying I miss him and a large conversation about him being 'The Nice Guy' and talking to me without him 'Shrugging me off', he is 'going to stick to it fully this time' (-me not talking to him, or indeed, him not replying to me)

So I said have a nice life.

And am considering deleting the 8923 texts and sexts of a happy relationship from my phone. I had a small angry cry afterwords in the bathroom whilst having a pee. Weirdly, both of them came out in a synchronised short angry bursts.

Relationships are so hard. One day you want to smash their face through three walls and other days you want to be in their arms watching a romcom. I threw away a box from the chocolates he got me on valentines day containing petals from the 12 roses.. At the time I was listening to Muse-New Born, a suitably angry song for this kind of ordeal. Old Muse is so good compared to their The Resistance crap. These days they're making Freddie Mercury turn in his grave, singing crappy songs about politics that nobody cares about and being followed by Twihards.

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