Monday, 24 January 2011

Day 26/367

I hate the prejudice of clothes sizes. They think that you can only have big boobs if you're a larger size. I was looking for a swimsuit today in Asda (they're just dandy with bikinis though) andI had to buy a size 14 onepiece to accommodate my boobs.
It's the same with other clothes- normal tshirts ride up, baggy tshirts make you look fat, and you can never get the right bra size. The pain never ends. And the speciality big-boob clothes like Bravissamo cost a bomb.

Today in the Graph Comm exam the technician made me up a tray of all the stuff I need, including 2 pencils and 2 compasses. Later he came back and gave me an extra 4 pencils and another compass, 'In case you break your lead'. Aww what a sweetheart!

Today I went to badminton. Very chuft at myself! Can't wait till exams end at the end of this week AND I CAN START CYCLING/GOING TO THE GYM/SWIMMING to tone dat boddeh!

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