Saturday 15 January 2011

Day 17/367

Today I got up at 9:45....and it's a saturday! I got ready and found my green contacts were all hard because I left the lid off. They were my favourite ones too. And to make matters worse, there were huge obese clouds were squishing about in the sky blocking the sun and pissing out rain on everything

Me and Eilidh met up to make a poster saying 'Happy Birthday!' for this guy on youtube. We took like 3 hours to do it and then finally took pictures of us with on on the monument behind our house but it was too windy so we look mongled in nearly all the photos.

I wore my sweatshirt with an american flag on with shorts and converse (big mistake, it was windy, rainy and freezing) up town. We were going down the escalator at one point and disaster struck! My evil english teacher was going to pass us because she was going up it! There was no escape! We  squashed as close as possible to the other side of our escalator without falling off. Nothing really happened up town, apart from the terrifying Mrs Rossetter episode.

We went home and mum had made mince tatties and dumplings so me and Eilidh had that and shannon ate half a pack of pasta.

Mum went to the opticians (there's apparently this thing going on in the back of her eye that could be serious and make her get vision loss. Fingers are crossed so hard that this doesnt happen.) However she got glasses today and she looks sexy in them. It's really weird. And I'm a bit jealous. We baked shortbreads together which was lovely.

Sooo...happy days :) proper ones :)

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